3 Top Blogs: Chemical Engineering and Life Hacking articles

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Let me share my three favourite, relevant web-blogs with you. If you’ve found any of my articles interesting, be sure and check these out.  (But not before bookmarking me first! :)) I am recommending them because they’re really worth your time. Two are chemical engineering blogs, and one is of interest to a wider audience.

Chemical Process Technology – I think this has to go in anyone’s top list of chemical engineering websites. There are a lot of good articles, links, and things on offer, especially in safety and relief analysis. The blog also links to sister sites on heat exchangers, oil and gas, and general technology that are less frequently updated.

Chemical Professionals – A long-running blog that I’ve just started following, I have a feeling there are great things to find in here.

Timothy Ferriss Lifestyle Design Blog – Tim wrote The Four Hour Workweek, an eye-opening look at how a person can cut the clutter and time-waste from their life, become an entrepreneur, put troublesome tasks on autopilot, and learn to take “mini-retirements” around the world on the cheap. He also has an incredibly novel look at the areas of Internet entrepreneurship, fitness, language, and travel. He brings all these together in a blog that’s too interesting for you to pass up.

Edit 2009-09-14: Allow me to sneak in another great blog I was just sent! Chemical Engineering for Life, a blog by a chemical engineering student that seems rich in resources for checking into new topics. Take for example this post on Useful Wikipedia articles for Chemical Engineers.

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I own and run smartprocessdesign.com
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8 Responses to 3 Top Blogs: Chemical Engineering and Life Hacking articles

  1. Russ Egan says:

    Those are some great links. Thanks for sharing. I have been looking for some great chemical engineering resources for a while now, and these look really good.

  2. Robert says:

    Some chemical engineers at Imperial College London are in a Dragons’ Den-style competition with MBA students:


  3. I just came on to this website and found here good chemical engineering related article. I was seaching some chemical related articles for my subject. Thx

  4. I have read many websites about chemical engineering and related topics but I found the mentioned sites better.

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