Overspilling (Multi-Page) Datasheets in Aspen Basic Engineering

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An important part of using Apsen Basic Engineering (Zyqad) is having properly set up equipment and instrumentation datasheets, that can read key information from your project database and drop it into a customized datasheet that your clients and customers can understand. This isn’t usually a problem. Most datasheets are easily standardized forms,  where a certain number of known, predictable fields are required to describe each type of equipment. “For a pump I need max and normal flowrates, design temperature, normal temperature, etc. etc… 20 fields in all. Let’s code it up!”

But a problem can come up when a datasheet has an unknown number of elements, and each element needs its own descriptors. For example, consider a distillation column that tries to separate fluids by passing them over  many trays. It’s typical to provide a vendor with a column datasheet detailing the outer shell, and also a tray datasheet detailing the predicted conditions (temperature, pressure, vapor and liquid flowrates, viscosities, densities, molecular weights, etc.) on each and every tray within the tower, as well as the for condensers and reboilers. The problem is: how many trays will you have? The number varies all the time, and it’s possible a design office could be dealing with 10 trays, 40 trays, or anything in between. What to do? In particular, what do we do when there are so many trays you can’t always fit them all on a single page?

The following solution from Aspentech can help: it describes how to set up an “overspill,” so that a replicating unit (in this case, a row of tray data) can repeat itself onto multiple pages where necessary.

Read Example of Tray Datasheet which can overspill (Aspen Basic Engineering V7.2).

Note: You will need an Aspentech Support account. If your office uses Aspen Basic Engineering then you can probably get an account for free.


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I own and run smartprocessdesign.com
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